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"Crostas" salad

| Eating | Traditional recipes (en-GB)


"Crostas" (kind of toasted bread), or crostes in ibizan, is a very popular type of bread in Ibiza and Formentera.
To get that crunchy texture, it has to be toasted twice, but nowadays you can easily find them in any bakery in the Pitiusas islands and even in some local supermarkets.

In the past, "crostas" were kept in every farmhouse as it is a product that lasts for months intact.
The fishermen who spent long periods of time at sea did not leave without their "crostas", so they could eat them with dried fish, olive oil and salt.

"Crostas" salad is tasty and simple, requiring very few ingredients. In addition to the mentionned "crostas", we simply add tomato, onion, oil and salt. There are other variations of the same salad, some add olives, peppers, onion, dried fish, etc...

So if you want to take a little taste of the island home with you, don't hesitate, take some crostas in your luggage!

Here's how to make a good "crostas" salad:

First, crumble the "crostas" into the salad bowl. Sprinkle them lightly with water, but don't overdo it, as the bread should not be too wet.
Then add the chopped tomatoes and the peeled and chopped garlic.
Season with olive oil and salt and mix all the ingredients well. 

Ready, enjoy!

Here are a few more tips... to make the "crostas" absorb more flavour, you can grate a ripe tomato on them. This will soften them and give them a more intense tomato flavour.
We also recommend you to let it rest for a few minutes before serving it, so that the bread is at its optimum point.



For 4 people:

- 1 kg de crostas
- 3 ripe tomatoes
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Olive oil
- Salt


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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022

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