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Gastronomische Veranstaltungen auf Ibiza

Obwohl wir oft die Möglichkeit haben, an sporadischen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, finden jedes Jahr regelmäßig eine Reihe von Messen, Wettbewerben und gastronomischen Aktivitäten statt.

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Sant Antoni de Portmany

Campionat mundial d'arròs de matances

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The most traditional popular contest on the island. The streets of Sant Antoni de Portmany are filled with "colles" who compete to cook the best "arròs de matances", one of the traditional dishes on the day of the pig slaughter on the island.
Santa Agnès de Corona

Concurs de sofrit pagés de Corona

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In the magnificent surroundings of the village of Santa Agnès de Corona, this popular competition is held, dedicated to the most emblematic dish of the Ibizan countryside: the "sofrit pagès", a festive dish with the most prestigious ingredients, such as lamb, red potato, sobrassada, "botifarró" and peasant chicken. A day full of tradition and flavour.
Santa Eulària des Riu

Fira des Gerret d'Eivissa

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A fair dedicated to one of the most humble fish of our coasts, "the Gerret" -Caramel- but strongly rooted in the traditional Ibizan gastronomy. It is an opportunity to discover its versatility in the kitchen through the tastings offered by the stalls that occupy the main street of Santa Eulària des Riu in a festive and popular atmosphere.

Fira sabors patrimoni de la humanitat

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A sample of the gastronomic heritage of the island of Ibiza through the exhibition of the products offered by our fields and coasts by producers and processors, accompanied by tastings, activities, workshops and traditional culinary elaborations with a touch of innovation.
Sant Josep de Sa Talaia

Fira de la patata vermella d'Eivissa

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A popular fair dedicated to one of the emblematic and most renowned products of the Ibizan countryside: the Ibiza red potato. An omnipresent ingredient in traditional Ibizan cuisine, the fair will feature a display of dishes made with this tuber as well as activities to promote its quality.
Recinto Ferial FECOEV

Feria Ibiza Gourmet

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The Ibiza Gourmet Fair was created with the intention of bringing together in the same space and out of season the main restaurants, brands and gastronomic producers of the island, to disseminate its wide gastronomic offer of high level open all year round for residents and tourists.
Sant Jordi de Ses Salines

Fira de la sal

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If there is one product that has marked the history of Ibiza, it is sea salt, both for its economic importance, its link with gastronomy and food preservation, and for the environmental importance of the Parc Natural de Ses Salines. While the first day of the fair concentrates on its gastronomic side, with a tasting of the traditional dish "ossos amb col", on Sunday the focus is on a dramatisation of the manual harvesting of salt in the salt ponds, just as it was done until the 1960s.
Sant Carles de Peralta

Fira gastronómica des calamar

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With the start of the squid fishing season, a multitudinous gastronomic fair dedicated to this tasty cephalopod is held in which the participants combine tradition and creativity.
Sant Miquel de Balansat

Fira des polp i la patata vermella d'Eivissa

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A popular fair that takes place in the rural village of Sant Miquel de Balansat, at the foot of its imposing church, with octopus and Ibiza red potato as the main ingredients. These ingredients form the basis of "frita de polp", one of the most popular traditional dishes in our gastronomy, which is open to the creativity of the participants.
Sant Llorenç de Balàfia

Fira de sa matança

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The pig slaughter is one of the most important festive events in the island's rural calendar. Usually celebrated in the homes of the peasant farmers in the company of family and close friends, this fair is now dedicated to it in the small village of Sant Llorenç de Balàfia, where the participating groups offer tastings of pork and sobrassada in a popular and festive atmosphere.

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022